Apr 2012

Pittsburgh Special Library Tax impact on Title Insurance

By Marc Shaw

Last November a Special Library Tax was approved by the voters in the City of Pittsburgh. The special tax was instituted to generate revenue to support the operation of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh library system. Whether you like the idea of the tax or not it does create a further wrinkle in the issuance of PA Title Insurance for Pittsburgh based properties.

The new tax is being collected by the City of Pittsburgh Finance Department on behalf of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, and is due at the same time as the City of Pittsburgh Real Property Taxes.  The Special Library Tax will be treated in the same manner as Property Taxes, and failure to product turinabol pay by the property owner will result in a lien against the real property.  When purchasing a property in Pittsburgh the PA Title Company will be sure that the seller is up to date on the tax as to not create any priority liens to title.